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City of Austin Tackling Homelessness

  Sep 19, 2017

The homeless population in Austin, Texas is being addressed in the best way possible by the city government. They have come up with a lot of ways for the people of the city to get better services, and they have been able to get the people to places that would be better for them after they spent a lot of time studying and trying to learn what these people needed. This means that the city is going to keep moving these people to places that are best for them to stop overcrowding in the city.

They started by finding out how many people are not even in shelters because that was a major concern for the city. The people that run these facilities are finding people sleeping outside even at the biggest shelters, and they have been able to find these people by name. The people are getting the care they need as they are moved into leases that are supported by the city housing program.

The process is moving slowly because the city knows that they have to take this in stages. They are in stage two right now as they are trying to move more and more people into the shelters that will take them. They want to get those people front he shelters to the places that are safer for them, and they want to bring these people into the program slowly as they can identify them.

Free lunches have moved back to Caritas from the ARCH facility because that will make sure that all the people who need to eat can get something. It makes a lot more sense for people to be sure that they can get to these meals, and that will open up the meals to more people. Austin is committed to feeding these people whether they are in the shelters or in the leases that are handled by the city.

Adding shelters has been important because the city is looking for places to give people support, and they are trying to give the people of the city the care that they need regardless of what it is. They are putting up cots and search for more money to get the shelters put together in the right way. That also means that they have has a police presence outside the ARCH facility. They might need to pull that back a little, but they are dedicated to safety.

It is much easier for people to get into the shelters and the right leases for the people that live in the city. This program is moving slow because they more money and more space. But there is something that will work for all the homeless people who are living downtown in Austin. The Austin community will be much better off because these people can get into jobs and change their lives, and they will have a chance to be pulled from the streets and put in the right places because Austin does not treat them like criminals.

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